Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Perceptions of media as business

Gallup recently released the results of its annual poll (every August since 2001) of public perceptions of a range of business sectors, industry, and government.  The poll asked respondent whether they had positive or negative views of 25 business sectors and industries.  The computer industry did very well, with the highest positive scores (72% positive) and net ratins (% Positive - % Negative), at 62, in the history of Gallup’s polling in this area. The Internet industry came in third, with 56% of the sample having positive perceptions; it also showed the largest gain in positive perception since 2001 (up 12%).
Traditional media didn’t fare quite as well – Publishing scored 38% positive (down nine points from 2001) and a net rating of 16; Movie industry scored 38% positive but a net rating of 1; TV & radio was rated positively by 39% but a net rating of -1.  In comparison, the Education sector was seen positively by 35%, but negatively by 47%, for a net rating of -12.  The lowest rated sector was the Federal government, with only 17% reporting positive views, and 63% negative.
Gallup's analysts suggest that the improved attitudes about computers and the Internet (i.e. new media) from the global success of leading firms, and the development of new products and services that rate highly with consumers.  The indicate that those sectors with dropping ratings (Publishing and Radio/TV) have experienced economic upheaval in recent years.  But I'd add that these industries have also not responded well to changing technologies and consumer preferences - providing products and services more widely and accessibly, instead of regularly announcing serious layoffs - would likely help with public perceptions.

Source – Image is Everything, Research Blog, MediaPost
For fulll Gallup report, access the PDF file here,

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