Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Better Authentication Boosts TV Everywhere

NBC partnered with Adobe this summer to authenticate its Olympic coverage video streaming efforts.  A recent announcement from Adobe indicated that its Adobe Pass system authenticated more than 88 million video streams during the Olympics, capping a ten-fold increase in authenticated streams..
That represents “the highest number recorded for a single event in TV Everywhere history,” according to Campbell Foster, marketing director for Adobe Media & Ad Solutions.
Adobe Pass allows users to authenticate themselves and their multiple devices with a single login, and without having to acquire additional hardware or software, or entry of credit card information.  By simplifying the authentication process - without sacrificing security and minimizing content owners' concerns about lost revenues.  The system is now in use by more than 150 pay TV providers and 25 networks.
They hope is that streamlining and simplifying a secure authentication process will promote use of online and mobile options for video content delivery, fostering content use across platforms and fostering the rise of "TV Everywhere."

Source - Adobe Trumpets TV Everywhere Streaming Success, Online Media Daily

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