- Passive job searching is no longer an option. The days when that recruiter would offer you a job based on a glance at your resume or a short chat at a job fair is over. At least for starting jobs in media businesses. The one exemption is for later media jobs - an offer may well come once you have a history of producing good product, and someone notices.
- Fewer jobs means more competition. You might think that more competition in media markets might mean more jobs out there. But the new competition is succeeding by being leaner, and older media is responding to competition by cutting back on staffing. Add to that the fact that a lot of the folks who got downsized in traditional outlets are looking for jobs too, and it means you have a lot more competition for what jobs open up.
- Mistakes, even minor, are not tolerated. Proof that resume and cover letter! When a job search can generate hundreds of applicants, the folks going over them are looking for reasons to eliminate candidates from further consideration. Seeung mistakes is a quick and easy call.
This advice is critical for media jobs in particular, where even small errors can prove costly for employers - mistakes in production can render content unusable, and mistakes in journalism can result in lawsuits. If you're sloppy when you're looking for work, they'll worry that you'll be sloppy when you work. - Social media is the new recruiting tool. “Social media has made a huge impact for job seekers,” says Lavie Margolin, career coach and author of “Lion Cub Job Search: Practical Job Search Assistance for Practical Job Seekers.” “Employers are using social media to post job openings and look into candidate backgrounds via private Facebook pages. Job seekers have an opportunity to increase their visibility … via their LinkedIn page and possibly a blog that is industry-focused.”
For jobseekers in media or content related fields that last bit is critical - not necessarily that you need a fancy industry blog - but you need something that can serve as a showcase for what you've done, and illustrate your skills and what you can do. - Customization is critical. This is a bit of a corollary to #1. Sending out a bunch of standard resumes and cover letters isn't as helpful as doing a little bit of customization. Most job postings emphasize certain skills - and you should focus your letter and resume to emphasize your interest and skills in that area. You want to show potential employers that: 1) you actually read the job ad/posting and put some thought and effort into your application; 2) you have the skills that they're particularly looking for; and 3) you can adjust to changing circumstances.
- Networking is more important than ever. Being known can help to differentiate your application, and will at least assure a good look rather than a scan (unless it's in a negative context). A network can also help you learn about coming opportunities so that you can get your package in early. Daniel Newell, job development and marketing specialist for San Jose State University’s Career Center, advises job candidates to "join groups and attend socials through sites such as MeetUp and LinkedIn. Attending a casual social and being active in online and offline groups can open many doors to employment.”
In the media field, internships can also be a good way to start networking, as well as beginning to accumulate that portfolio of your work. Joining student chapters of relevant professional organizations can help, as can attending local events of the professional associations.

Source - 6 Ways The Job Search Has Changed Post-Recession, Career Guide Tips
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