Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Digital Cameras in Film and Video Production

From Martin Johnson:

If you want to shoot video today there are many options for you to choose from. You can go the old fashioned route and stick to film. You can even shoot decent quality video from your cell phone. A big part of the music video/ movie market is slowly turning to shooting video with DSLR cameras. Some of you might ask why these cameras are being used for video and what are the benefits. Well the big benefit of shooting digitally is having the big sensors that are used in the cameras. These sensors capture so much light and detail you get amazing results. The DSLR are in no way ready to be the main cameras to shoot all your video on. They do still have a few set backs, like audio recording and focus and zooming options. There have been a few exceptions for using only digital cameras to record movies. The RED ONE camera has been used to shoot many top movies including the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie and award winning movie The Social Network. Expect to see Canon and Nikon pushing their way further into the video industry in coming years. Being able to shoot amazing video is becoming easier and easier.

The RED ONE camera. http://www.red.com/

Learning DSLR Video http://www.learningdslrvideo.com/

DSLR Film Blog http://dslrfilm.com/

DSLR University http://dslruniversity.com/

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