Monday, November 7, 2011

Video Ads on Social Networks

Video is finding itself diffusing throughout the online world, as viewing options explode and broadband diffuses.
Advertisers are elbowing their way in, with online video campaigns becoming an increasingly popular outlet for advertising. "Social video" is a new term for online video advertising on social networks - where viewers can be provided with rewards like virtual currency for watching and sharing these video ads through their social networks.  Mitchell Reichgut, CEO of "social video" platform Jun Group, said
“Social video is re-writing the advertising rules of engagement.  While the vast majority of online video advertising is still interruptive, social video engages people on their terms.  The data from this study [as reported below] demonstrate why social video is one of the hottest new segments of online advertising.”
Their research suggests that in this advertising arena, humor sells, but celebrities don't.  Viewers of humorous ads were three times more likely to click through to an advertisers Facebook page after watching a funny video than after watching one with no humor.  On the other hands, videos with celebrities generated 12% fewer click-throughs than videos without.  If there's good news for viewers in this, it was that the research also showed that shorter ads were best - video ads no longer than 15 seconds long had the highest success rate.  However, this needs to be tempered with the result that the second most successful category was video ads a minute or longer.
There's more results in a nicely produced infographic that I don't have room for here.

Source:  Infographic Reveals What Makes An Effective Social Video Campaign…And What Doesn’tSocial Times

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