Friday, March 2, 2012

Linking TV Content to Ads Increase Value

Bravo released findings from a commissioned study that suggests that advertising for products related to the content of the program it's shown in are more likely to "resonate" with audiences.
The research looked at the live brain response of 150 people who saw various combinations of ads and program content.  Researchers found that brain activity in the region where long-term memory is stored was, on average, 15% higher when ads were contextually relevant to the program content, than when they weren't.
A “stronger impact” comes when the creative content has a certain appeal -- even if it is in a somewhat unrelated category -- such as when a car ad highlights the “beauty and glamour of the driving experience” airs during a fashion program.
The Bravo network sales team often pitches the use of vignettes that can blend elements of a program with a brand.  They claim that such "hybrid" spots have the highest recall, and average an increase of 19% in neuro-activity.

Source -  Study Links TV Content To Ad ValueMediaDailyNews


  1. I would imagine this study would be particularly valuable to Bravo since their demographic is mostly females. Their most popular shows are probably "Real Housewives," "Millionaire Matchmaker," and "Bethenny Ever After."
    Featuring commercials related to men would not resonate with viewers on such a network as this.

    1. It makes perfect sens that this type of advertising would be more effective and I'm surprised that this is a relatively new study.

      When I think back to old programming it was not uncommon for the stars of the 60's and 70's to show up in a TV spot advocating for their favorite cigarettes, or cleaning supplies, or food products, etc.

      It's surprising that this practice was cut down a lot without an evidently more effective method taking it's place. It'll be interesting to see if characters from TV shows start doing more advertisements anytime soon.
