Monday, December 19, 2011

FCC orders CALM

No, this isn't a ban on negative political advertising.
Rather, it refers to the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act, which requires that TV advertisements be no louder than the programs surrounding them.  The FCCs gone through the process of setting standards and the notice of proposed rulemaking, and decided that it will leave monitoring and enforcement to be based on patterns of viewer complaints, and it will be up to stations (and multichannel video providers like cable and satellite) to ensure compliance (rather than a commercial's source).
The new rule doesn't seem to say anything about PSAs or sponsorship announcements on noncommercial stations, so I guess those can still be as loud as they want.
In any case, it should cut down on reaching for the remote to turn the volume down during commercial breaks.  At least a little.

Source:  FCC Orders CALM Over The Land, TV TechCheck

1 comment:

  1. I believe the FCC took to long to get this fixed and this is way overdue but, now that the CALM act is in place it can take up to a whole year for this to take full effect. I know the FCC isn’t the only one to make a change. DISH also stepped up the game with the new TruVolume technology which will prevent the annoying volume fluctuations of commercials. Having up to six TV’s with the ability to record and have full DVR functions are awesome. 250 HD hours of storage will give plenty of time for recordings and no worry about the hard drive filling as fast. I like I can get Pandora as well as Facebook, which is to of my favorite things to do on the computer. Now to have them on TV will help enhance TV even more. This hooked up with my employee service from DISH provides a great home experience.
