Friday, October 28, 2011

at the Convergence & Society: Journalism, Sustainability & Media Generation conference.

I’m attending this conference at the U of South Carolina, and hearing some interesting ideas from scholars, professionals and non-profits about how they’re using the net and the idea of “convergent journalism” to reach audiences.
  I’m also here to present a paper that I haven’t quite finished writing yet, on “Content through clouds and streams: Implications for media sustainability and regeneration.”  The thrust is that several trends in the last year or so have contributed to the rise of a new way for people to access, consume, and share media content.  In short, I’ll be talking about how the rise of connected media devices, mobile and personal media devices have combined with development and use of cloud and streaming technologies to support and encourage a shift in audience media consumption habits and attitudes.  To be specific, a shift from passive habitual use, to early efforts to assert some control over use (that were based on owning copies of content), to an emerging model that is emphasizing active choice and control over media consumption, only through an emphasis on access across devices and conditions rather than owning copies.
  I’ll be talking about some of the implications of the shift, in terms of sustainability (not having to make all those physical copies), the opportunities such a system offers for innovation – in adding value to particular aspects and exploiting added market potential, which might regenerate traditional media.  There’s some other related implications for reforming intellectual property approaches, enhancing access for content of more limited interests, etc. 
   I hope it’ll turn out to be as interesting as I think.

Follow the conference at #sjconf on Twitter

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